Intrusion of Tree Roots in Sewer Line can be Unpleasant

Intrusion of Tree Roots in Sewer Line can be Unpleasant

A sizable amount of root intrusion in sewer line/pipe could create a problematic and unpleasant situation for you. If such root intrusion creates complicated issues for sewer line then you will need assistance from commercial plumbing service providers. Use of copper sulfate in your sewer line can prevent tacky root problem from becoming a bigger issue.

Generally, sturdy, tight and fixed sewer lines are not much affected by tree roots. But if the sewer line gets cracks regularly then roots can grow and cause disorder in the sewer line. The waste material and tree roots with growing shape and size can completely block your sewer line. Tree roots can sneak into your sewer system anytime and preventing it is a tough task.

Sometimes people think that removing all the trees from the area near sewer line will stop intrusion of tree roots into sewer line. Even if you remove all the trees near the sewer line, tree roots from your nearby homes would somehow manage to find a way into your sewer line.

Ways to prevent intrusion of tree roots in sewer line
Commercial plumbing and sewer service providers with their special cameras can help you to determine the point of tree root intrusion in your sewer line. Copper sulfate is generally used to prevent the intrusion of tree roots as it is toxic for them. Copper sulfate is effective in preventing the growth of tree roots but it is a time consuming process and it could take some time to kill tree roots.

Cut off or dead tree roots can still block your sewer line. Regular use of copper sulphate in your toilet could be an effective maintenance to prevent growth of tree roots.

Take care while using copper sulfate
Excessive contact with copper sulfate could be dangerous for your eyes. If absorbed in large quantity copper sulfate can damage your kidneys. So be careful while using it for toilet cleaning or for any other purpose. In case you need any assistance you can immediately contact A-General: Plumbing and Sewer service.


About Anna Jones

Anna Jones is writer from California. She has always aspired to be a writer and has completed her education in Mass Media. She is currently working as a author for A-General Plumbing and Sewer Services. She has keen interest in blogging. She writes on various subjects like go green, pollution control, plumbing issues, sewer and drain cleaning.

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